Portraitfoto von Prof. Dr. Stefan Ihde


Prof. Ihde is author and co-author of 7 textbooks and more than 100 scientific articles.


The One Who Talks to the Bone – Andrii Senov

A biographical thriller
Available in: German, French, English, Russian and Serbian

Order Book

Introduction into the Work with the Strategic Implant® Definitions, General Explanations and Treatment Planning – Ihde & Ihde

Available in: English, German, Russian, Serbian, Hungarian, Polish and Romanian

Cookbook Mastication – How to Make Patients Chew Successfully (Not Only) on a Strategic Implant® – Ihde & Ihde

Available in: English, German, Spanish, Russian, Serbian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian and Bulgarian

Lab Work on the Strategic Implant® – A Guideline for Dental Technicians – Marková, Mitrushchenkov, Ihde & Ihde

Available in: English, German, Spanish, Russian, Serbian, Hungarian and Romanian


SCI Journal with impact factor
SCI Journals

Publications in 2023

Ihde Stefan
Where is the big money in future’s dentistry?
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Ihde Stefan
Wo wird in der Zukunft das große Geld in der Implantologie verdient?
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Publications in 2021

Ihde Stefan, Palka Lukas, Slawomir Jarzab, Janecek Maciej, Gozdziewska-Harlajczuk Kariolina
Three-Dimensional Determination of the Fusion Zone between the Distal Maxilla and the Pterygoid Plate of the Sphenoid Bone and Considerations for Implant Treatment Procedure.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 30 https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/11/1/30

A. Ihde, S. Ihde, O. Sipic, Y. Е. Vares, G. Gombkoto, Е. Sethuraman, Y. Y. Vares
Requrements for total prosthetic maxillary rehabilitation according to Strategic implant technology in immediate loading protocol (Case Series Report) https://ojs.tdmu.edu.ua/index.php/kl-stomat
клінічна стоматологія; УДК 616.716.1-007.21-089.843
DOI 10.11603/2311-9624.2020.1.12033

Ihde S., Sipic O., Gombkötö G.
Ogranicenja rehabilitacije pojedinacnog zubog luka primenom technologije Strayegic Implant i imedijatnog funkcionalnog opterecenja
Dentalist (14), 1, 30-35

Publications in 2020

Ihde Stefan, Palka Lukas, Slawomir Jarzab, Janecek Maciej, Gozdziewska-Harlajczuk Kariolina
Three-Dimensional Determination of the Fusion Zone between the Distal Maxilla and the Pterygoid Plate of the Sphenoid Bone and Considerations for Implant Treatment Procedure.
Appl. Sci. 2021; DOI: 10.3390/app11010030ISBN: 1454-5101

Ihde S, Sipic O, Pałka L
A single-step implant treatment of a patient presenting with a high smile line (gummy smile) – Surgical, prosthetic, and financial considerations of full-mouth rehabilitation with one-piece implants anchored in cortical bone - A case report.
Ann Maxillofac Surg 2020;10:512-7

Ihde Antonina, Lazarov A, Gaur V, Lysenko V, Konstantinovic V, Grombkötö G, Lukas Palka, Stefan Ihde
Consensus regarding 16 recognized and clinically proven methods and sub-methods for placing corticobasal® oral implants.
Ann Maxillofac Surg 2020;10:457-62

Ihde S, Sipic O
Esthetic indication for dental implant treatment and immediate loading (3). Case report and considerations regarding the aspect of the patient's right to self-determination in medical decision-making.
Ann Maxillofac Surg 2020;10:213-6

Ihde A, Chakranarayan A, Sipic O, Soni P, Ihde S, Vares Y
Treatment of Patients with Vertical Maxillary Excess: Orthognathic Surgery vs Strategic Implant® (Clinical Cases Report).
Lviv Clinical Bulettin. 2020, 2(30): 21-28
CMF Impl Dir 2020; Vol 14 S1: 45-60 (in Ukrainian Langage)

Ihde S, Sipic O
Tretman dentalnim implantatima i imedijantno funkcionalno opterećenje.
CMF Impl. Dir. Volume 14 Issue 3 June 2020 , pp 157-164

Ihde S, Sipic O
Dental implant treatment and immediate functional loading (1). Case report and considerations: Extended treatment options using the strategic implant® and indications and objectives for comprehensive dental implant treatment.
Ann Maxillofac Surg 2019;9:465-9

ПОКАЗАНИЯ К ПРИМЕНЕНИЮ кортикобазальных челюстных имплантатов и соответствующие методики лечения.
Clinical Stomatology, 2020/1, instom.spb.ru

Gaur V., Doshi A., Ihde S., Ihde A.
Paka Multi-unit connection for the Strategic Implant®: an innovative way for achieving retrievability of prosthetics on fully polished single piece implants used in an immediate loading protocol.
CMF Impl Dir 2020; 14: 3 - 34

Ihde S., Ihde A.
Full maxilla and partial mandible reconstruction - case report and considerations regarding necessary number of implants and the necessity for the incorporation of a rigidly cemented metal- enforced first bridge for immediate loading treatment protocols.
CMF Impl Dir 2020; 14: 35 - 43

Publications in 2019

Ihde S, Sipic O
Dental implant treatment and immediate functional loading (1). Case report and considerations: Extended treatment options using the strategic implant® and indications and objectives for comprehensive dental implant treatment.
Ann Maxillofac Surg 2019;9:465-9

Ihde S, Sipic O
Functional and esthetic indication for dental implant treatment and immediate loading (2) Case report and considerations: Typical attitudes of dentists (and their unions) toward tooth extractions and the prevention of early, effective, and helpful dental implant treatment in the European union.
Ann Maxillofac Surg 2019;9:470-4

Ihde S
Indications and treatment modalities with corticobasal jaw implants.
Ann Maxillofac Surg 2019;9:379-86

Vivek Gaur, Stefan Ihde, Ravi Sekhar M
Considerations Regarding Treatment Options and Technique For Cortically Anchored Implants in the Distal Maxilla
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS)
e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 18, Issue 1 Ser. 15 (January. 2019), PP 28-37

Ihde S., Sipic O.
Dental implant treatment in immediate functional loading. Case report & considerations regarding the extended treatment possibilities of the Strategic Implant® and regarding indications for comprehensive dental implant treatment.
Stomatologist 2/2019, p. 74–78 (in Russian language)

Publications in 2018

Ihde S, Ihde A
Considerations regarding dental implant surfaces, bone reaction and “Peri-implantitis”.
Ann Maxillofac Surg 2018;8:365-8

Ihde S, Palka L
Anchorage possibilities in case of a unilateral maxillary defect using the concept of Strategic Implant®.
Natl J Maxillofac Surg. 2018 Jul-Dec;9(2):235-239. doi: 10.4103/njms.NJMS_36_18

Ihde S, Palka L, Gaur V, Ihde A
Critical appraisal regarding the publication “Implant survival between endo-osseous dental implants in immediate loading, delayed loading, and basal immediate loading dental implants: A 3-Year follow-up” as published in Ann maxillofac surg 2017;7; 237-44, by the Authors R. Gharg (Corresponding Author), Neha Mishra, Mohan Alexander, Sunil K. Gupta.
Ann Maxillofac Surg 2018;8:101-7

Ihde S., Palka L., Janeczek M. Kosior P., Kiryk J., Dobrzynski M
Bite Reconstruction in the aesthetic zone using one-piece bicortical screw implants.
Case Reports in Dentistry Vol. 2018, Article ID 4671482, 4 pages; https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/4671482

Vivek Gaur, Anita Doshi, Stefan Ihde, Gabriela Fernandes, Valeri Lysenko
Immediate Loading of Implants in the Partially Edentulous Maxilla: A Case Report of a Novel Technique with Strategic Implants.
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS)
e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 17, Issue 5 Ver. 12(May. 2018), PP 34-40 www.iosrjournals.org

Ihde S, Ihde A, Gaur V, Lysenko V, Palka L
Restoring the correct sagittal and vertical inter-maxillary relationship in skeletal Class 2 cases: The technology of the Strategic Implant® offers the possibility of creating harmonic function even in cases with severe skeletal discrepancies.
CMF Impl Dir 2018; 13: 3 - 15

Ihde S
Dental implants in periodontally involved bone areas: the Technology of the Strategic Implant® radically changes treatment possibilities.
CMF Impl Dir 2018; 13: 16 - 24

Publications in 2016

Vares J. E., Ihde S
Tubero-Pterygoid Implants. Result of 4 yr Experience
Journal of the Organisation of Scientific Medical Investigation «Salutem» 12./13.February 2016, p. 60 -61 (in ukrainian language)

Ivanjac F, Konstantinović VS, Lazić V, Dordević I, Ihde S.
Assessment of Stability of Craniofacial Implants by Resonant Frequency Analysis.
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2016; 27(2):185-189

Ihde S., Ihde A., Lysenko V., Konstantinovic V, Palka L
New Systematic Terminology of cortical Bone areals for osseo-fixated Implants in Strategic Oral Implantology
J.J.Anatomy, 2016, 1(2), 007

Ihde S, Ihde A.
Analyse einer Erscheinung und Hinweise zur Implantatauswahl
CMF. Impl. Dir. Vol. 11 No. 1 2016 3 -21

Publications in 2015

Ihde S., Ihde A, Lysenko V.
Morphological Changes in the distal Mandible Influence basal Implant Survival
CMF Impl. Dir. Vol 10, No. 3, 2015, pp. 79-83

Ihde S., Ihde A, Lysenko V.
Immediate Strategic Implant® Restoration of the Maxilla after Removal of a fully Impacted, horizontally retented canine.
CMF Impl. Dir. Vol 10, No. 3, 2015, pp. 84-88

Publications in 2014

Ihde S.
Clinical suitability of different implant designs: Analysis of customer complaints reaching the manufacturer.
CMF Impl. Dir. Vol.9, No. 4, 2014; p 43 – 55

Nanda S., Ihde S., Nanda P.
Intra-oral welding – A usefull adjunct in immediate loading implantology using BCS implants.
CMF Impl. Dir. Vol 9, No.2, 13 – 24, 2014

Ihde S.:
для немедленной нагрузки и применения даже при недостаточном вертикальном объеме костной ткани.

Publications in 2013

Lazarov A., Ihde S.
Case report: Replacement of failing 2 stage implants by basal implants and conventional bridgework
CMF. Impl. Dir. Vol. 8 No. 4, pp 104 – 109

Shah S., Ihde A, Ihde S., Gaur V., Konstantinovic V.S.
The usage of the distal maxillary bone and the sphenoid bone for dental implant anchorage
CMF Impl. Dir. Vol 8 No.1 March 2013; 14-30

Ihde S., Ihde A.
Restoration of two patient cases with screwable basal implants (BCS) after failure after lateral basal and crestal implants made from a PEEK-compound . Case descriptions and failure analysis.
CMF Impl. Dir. Vol 8 No.3-2 September 2013; pp 83-101 (in English)
CMF Impl. Dir. Vol 8 No.3-1 September 2013; pp 61-79 (in Russian)

Publications in 2012

Einführung in die Sofortbelastung
 (Teil 1)
ISBN 987-3-9813659-4-8 (in deutscher Sprache) Ihde S. & Ihde A.

Published in other languages:

Въведение в Имедиатното Натоварване
ISBN 978-3-9813659-3-1 (Bulgarian Language)

Uvod u imedijatno opterećenje 

ISBN 978-3-9813659-8-6 (Serbo-croatian Language)

Introduction into Immediate Loading

ISBN 978-3-9813659-6-2 (English Language)

Bevezetés az implantátumok azonnali terhelésébe
ISBN 978-3-9813659-5-5 (Hungarian Language)

Знакомство с немедленной нагрузкой
ISBN 978-3-9813659-7-9 (Russian Language)

Carga Immediata

ISBN 978-3-9813659-9-3 (Spanish Language)

Introduction into Immediate Loading (Part 2 – Prosthetics)
ISBN 978-3-9851468-2-8 (in deutscher Sprache); Ihde S. & Ihde A.

Published in other languages:

Знакомство с немедленной нагрузкой (Part 2, Prosthetics)
ISBN 978-3-9851468-5-9 (Russian Language)

Ihde S., Ihde A.

Equipping the upper jaw with basal screw im- plants to treat a case with severe bone loss and after the failure of an ‘all-on-four’-type con- struction.
CMF Impl. Dir Vol 7 No.4 December 2012, 111-123

Publications in 2011

Peri-implantitis and implant characteristics in Dental Implantology: A Systematic Review
Kopp S., Maier T., Ihde S.
CMF. Impl. Dir. Vol. 6 No. 4 2011, p.97-124

Antimicrobial activity of NaCl solution as a medium for preservation of dental implants.
Daniil V Rublevsky, Alexey V Stugarev, Ihde S., Ihde A.
CMF. Impl. Dir. Vol. 6 No. 4 2011 p. 89-94

Ihde S., Shabanavic A.B.
Влияние конструкторских особенностей фрезы на теплообмен
стоматологический журнал • 3 • сентябрь • 2011 ,219-221.

Ihde S., Dimitroff Y., Konstantinovic V.S., Ihde A.
Temporary gain of stability in basal implants through vertical bone screws.
CMF-Impl. Dir.6 (2), pp.17-23, 2011

Ihde S., Ihde A.
Immediate replacement of damaged or failing screw implants by lateral basal implants.
CMF-Impl. Dir.6 (2), pp.25-29, 2011

Goldman T., Himmlova L., Ihde S.,
Stress distribution within basal dental implants and on the interface to the bone. Influence of the design of the bridgework in the atrophied posterior mandible: the concept of the supporting polygon.
CMF Impl. Dir. 6(3):pp. 43-56, 2011

Ihde S., Goldman T.
Post-operative remodelling of the mandibular bone allows the incorporation of stiff circular bridges on four strategically placed basal implants in an immediate load protocol.
CMF Impl.Dir 6(3), pp 57-67, 2011.

Ihde S., Konstantinovic A., Ihde A.
Restoring the severely atrophied posterior mandible with basal implants: four surgical approaches broaden the indications for fixed implant restorations in the mandible.
CMF Impl. Dir. 6(3), pp. 69-84, 2011.

Ihde S.
Sinuslift was left in the past
Implantologia, Parodontologia, Osteologia, No.4 (24), 39- 43, 2011 (published in ukrainian Language)

Publications in 2010

Kopp S., Kuzelka J., Goldmann T., Himmlova L., Ihde S.
Model of load transmission and distribution of deformation energy before and after healing of basal dental implants in the human mandible
Biomed Tech (Berl). 2011 Feb;56(1):53-8. Epub 2010 Nov 17

Konstantinovic VS, Lazic V., Ihde S.
Disk implants retained nasal epithesis. Case report and literature review.
J Craniofac Surg 2010;21: (1) 33-36

Ihde S., Kopp S., Ihde A.
Fallbericht : Palatinale Insertion von basalen Implantaten – Fallbericht
und Diskussion einer alternativen Implantationstechnik für den Oberkiefer
CMF Impl. Dir. Vol.5 N° 1 Januar: 9 – 18 (2010)

Ihde S. , Rusak A.
Case Report: Treatment of a severely resorbed mandible with endosseous implants in an immediate loading protocol (in English)
CMF Impl. Dir. (2009) 1:

Published in other languages:

Treatment of a severely resorbed mandible with endosseous implants in an immediate loading protocol (in Arab)
Arab Dental 2010, 1: 32

Publications in 2009

Ihde S., Rusak A.
Evidence Report: A comparison of bone grafts with and without platelet-rich plasma in preparation for dental implant placement
CMF Impl. Dir. Vol 4 N° 3 August : 130 – 137 (2009)

Ihde S.
The effect of matrix bound parathyroid hormone on bone regeneration
CMF Impl. Dir. Vol.4 N° 2 September: 108 – 108 (2009)

Kopp S., Bienengräber V., Ihde S.
Basal implants as a solid base for immediately loaded full arch bridges / Wszczepy bazalne jako trwała podstawa natychmiastowych pełnołukowych protez stałych.
DENTAL FORUM /1/2009/XXXVII, 51-60

Kopp S., Panek H., Ihde S., Lieb B.
Clinical Problems with Implant Installation in Geriatric Patients
Dent.Med.Probl. 2009, 46, 486-493

Ihde S.
Comparison of two techniques for immediate loading regarding their cost-efffectiveness
Arab Dental 3: 30-33, 2009

Kopp S, Halina Panek, Stefan Ihde, Bela Lieb
Clinical Problems with Implant Installation in Geriatric Patients
Dental and Medical Problems Quarterly, 46:4 (2009)

Ihde S., Kopp S., Maier T.
Comparison of implant survival with implants places in acceptable and compromised bone: a literature review
J Maxillofax Impl. 8(1): 1-7 2009

Ewald A, Ihde S.
Salt impregnation of implant materials
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2009 Mar 7. [Epub ahead of print]

Ihde S, Kopp S, Gundlach K, Konstantinović V.S.
Effects of radiation therapy on craniofacial and dental implants: a review of the literature.
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2009 Jan;107(1):56-65. Epub 2008 Aug 28.

Ihde S.
Comparison of basal and crestal implants and their modus of application.
Smile Dental Journal Vol. 4 No.1: 36 – 46, 2009

Ihde S.
A basalis Es a crestalis implantatumrok összehasonlitasa es alkalmazasuk (Part 1)
Magyar Fogorvos 2009/2 70 – 72 (in Hungarian)

Ihde S.
A basalis Es a crestalis implantatumrok összehasonlitasa es alkalmazasuk (Part 2)
Magyar Fogorvos 2009/3 130 -132 (in Hungarian)

Ihde S.
A basalis Es a crestalis implantatumrok összehasonlitasa es alkalmazasuk (Part 3)
Magyar Fogorvos 2009/4 188 – 192 (in Hungarian)

Ihde S.
No more sinuslifts.
CMF Impl. Dir. Vol.4, No. 2: 160 – 174; 2009

Ihde S.
Nema vise sinuslifta
DMNews Jesen 2009, 18-21 (in Serbian)

Ihde S
Scientific classification & evaluation: Comparison of basal and crestal implants and their modus of application
CMF Impl. Dir. Vol.4 N° 1 Januar: 4 – 17 (2009)

Ihde S.
Developing a study question
CMF Impl. Dir Vol.4 N° 2 September: 109 - 111 (2009)

Ihde S.
Case Report: Immediate and intra-oral repair of a fractured basal implant
CMF Impl. Dir. Vol.4 N° 2 September: 112 – 117 (2009)

Ihde S., Rusak A.
Case Report: Treatment of a severly resorbed mandible with endosseous implants in an immediate loading protocol
CMF Impl. Dir. Vol.4 N° 4 December: 150 – 153 (2009)

Ihde S.
Functionally related changes to the vertical peri-implant bone after BOI implant insertion in the mandible (Previously published in French language in “Implantodontie”, 2003)
CMF Impl. Dir. Vol.4 N° 4 December: 160- 180 (2009)

Publications in 2008

Goldman T., Ihde S., Kuzelka J., Himmlova L.
Bendable vs. angulated dental implants: considerations of elastic and plastic material properties based in experimental implant material data and FEM.
Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2008, 152 (2)

Ihde S.
Radiological assessments and clinical implications in cases including basal implants
Arab Dental 2: 30-31, 2008

Ihde S.
Corrective Intervention: Immediate restoration after failure and replacement of basal implants.
CMF Impl. Dir. Vol.3 No.1 March: 28 – 35 (2008)

Ihde S.
Outcomes of immediately loaded full arch reconstructions on basal implants and teeth in the mandible: restrospective report on 115 consecutive cases during a period of up to 134 months.
CMF Impl Dir 1(3): 50-60, 2008

Ihde S.
Immediate Restoration after failure and replacement of basal implants
CMF Impl. Dir 1 (3); 28-35, 2008

Ihde S., T. Goldmann, L. Himmlova, Z. Aleksic, J. Kuzelka
Implementation of Contact Definitions Calculated by FEA to Describe the Healing Process of Basal implants.
Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2008, 152 (1): 1 – 6

Ihde S., Soo-Nam Yang, Yoo Hyo Ha
The primary stability and survival rate of 2-stage, conical compression screw implants;
J Maxillofac Oral Surg Ind , 2008, Vol 7, No. 2: 273 – 277

Ihde S., Goldman T., Himmlova L., Aleksic Z.
The use of finite element analysis to model bone-implant contact with basal implants.
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2008 Apr 23; [Epub ahead of print]; PMID: 18439855 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Ihde S.
Replacement of a maxillary denture, extraction of residual teeth
and implant borne reconstruction in an immediate load protocol
CMF Impl. Dir. Vol.3 N° 4 December: 153 – 158 (2008)

Publications in 2007

Himmlova L., Goldman T., Ihde S., Konvickova S.
Time analysis of hard and soft bolus processing.
Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2007 Dec;151(2):327-32.

Ihde S., Konstantinovic V.S.
Immediate Loading of Dental Implants. Where is the dip?
CMF Impl. Dir. 2007 4:137-145

Ihde SK, Konstantinovic VS
The therapeutic use of botulinum toxin in cervical and maxillofacial conditions: an evidence-based review.
2007 Jun 6;
PMID: 17560141 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Ihde S.
BOI: a case of immediate loading alternative after failed dental implants.
CMF Impl. Dir. 3 (2007): 75-77

Ihde S.
Prophylactic use of Botulinum toxin in dental Implantology. Clinical Note.
CMF Impl.dir. 2 (2007):29 – 34

Previous Publications

Ihde S. & Konstantinovic V. (10)
Comparison and definition of the pathological phenomena occurring after a tooth replacement and the possible therapeutic stages implying basal and crestal implants
Implantodontie 14 (2005) 176-185

Ihde S. (6)
Utilisation therapeutique de la toxine botulique dans le traitement d`etretin
Implantodontie 14(2005) 56 -61

Ihde S. (5)
Utilisation prophylactique de la toxine botulique en implantologie dentaire
Implantodontie 14(2005) 51 – 55

Ihde S., Eber M. (4)
Case report: restoration of edentulous mandible with 4 BOI implants in an immediate load procedure.
Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2004 Dec;148(2):195-8.
PMID: 15744373 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Ihde S.
Confronto e definizione di fenomeni periimplantari patologici nel caso di impianti basali e crestali.
Implantologia Dental 1,2, 90-96 (2004)

Ihde S.
Aspects of Biocompatibility of dental implants as a function of implant design, enossal surface structure , and time of loading.
Biomaterialien, 5 (S1), 24 ( 2004)

Ihde S.
Development of the basal osseointegration.
Nove Stomatologii ; 111 (3) 2003 p. 13-35

Ihde S. (3)
Adaptation fonctionelles de la hauteur de l`os peri-implantaire apre implantation de BOI dans la mandibule
Implantodontie 12(2003) 23-33

Also published in Czech language:

Dentalni trH 2/2003, S.7 – 13: Osetreni Jednostranke Zkraceneho Zubniho Oblouku S Redukovanou Nabidkou Kosti Pomoci BOI Methody.

Also published in Russian language:

Nove b Stomatologii; (111) 3, 2003, p. 38 -49

Ihde S., E. Mutter (2)
Versorgung von Freiendsituationen mit basalosseointegrierten Implantaten (BOI) bei reduziertem vertikalem Knochenangebot
Retrospektive Untersuchung von 228 Behandlungsfällen mit 275 konsekutiv inserierten basalosseointegrierten Implantaten
Deutsche Zahnärztl. Zeitschr. (2003) 2: 94- 101

Ihde S., Konstantinovic V., B. Cutilo
Der „kleine Reifenwechsel“ – Austausch eines BOI unter der vorhandenen
festsitzenden Versorgung.
Dent Implantol 6, 358 -361 (2002)

Ihde S.
Ersatz eines funktionsuntüchtigen Blattimplantats durch ein basalosseointegriertes Implantat.
Dent Implantol 6, 180-182 (2002)

Ihde S.
Osteotomie bei BOI-Implantaten: Wie kühlen?
Dental Spiegel 3/2002; 42-43

Ihde S. (1)
Restoration of the atrophied mandible using BOI and fixed prosthetic suprastrucures
Implant Dentistry, Vol 10, 2001, Nr. 1, page 41 – 45
PMID: 11307647 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Ihde S., Lekovic V., Aleksic Z., Blagojvic V.
Primena Diskos sisteme u implantologiji
Stomatolog, (14) 20-21, Jun. 2001

Ihde S.
Diagnostik und Therapie im Distalen Unterkiefer
DZW 49, 2000

Ihde S. (7)
Fixed Prosthodontics in Skeletal Class III Patients with partially edentulous jaws and age related prognathism: Tthe basal osseointegration procedure
Implant Dentistry; Vol 8, Nr. 3 , 1999, S. 241 ff
PMID: 10709470 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Fromovich O. und S. Ihde
Der interne Sinuslift für basal osseointegrierte Implantate
Dental Spiegel 1, 1999, S. 38 f

Ihde S.
Sanierung mit basalosseointegrierten Implantaten
Zahnarzt- Wirtschaft- Praxis 5, 1998, S. 138 f

Ihde S.
Total Bonding in aussergewöhnlichen Situationen
Dental Spiegel 1,1996, S. 46 ff

Ihde S.
Prypadek zastosowania materialow zlozonych do zmiany ksztaltu zebow I zmniejszenia luki miedzyzebowej
Stomatologia Wspolczesna . Vol.2 Nr. 1 , 1995, S.158-159

Ihde S.
Naprawa licowki z tworzywa sztucznego na podbudowie metalowej.
Stomatologia Wspolczesna.Vol2, N1. 1 1995; S. 76-77

F. Keller, S. Ihde , et al
Zur diagnostischen Korrespondenz dreier Methoden für die Bestimmung von Plasmacortisol
Aerztl. Lab. 33: 210-216 (1987)

Ihde S.
Zur diagnostischen Korrespondenz dreier Methoden zum Nachweis von Cortisol in Serum und Plasma.
Med. Diss. Würzburg, 1987


Prof. Dr. Stefan Ihde on Periimplantitis [EN]
Interview: Possibilities & Steps of the Education for Corticobasal Implantology [EN]
Interview: Möglichkeiten & Ablauf der Ausbildung für corticobasale Implantologie [DE]
IHDE & IHDE Webinar Session on Immediate Loading
4th International Conference on Cortical Implantology
Bones Part 1 [EN]
Bones Part 2 [EN]
Bones Part 3 [EN]

International Lectures (Excerpt)

  • Congress of the Dental Association of Oberschlesien
    Keynote lecture on "Prosthetic Aspects of Immediate Loading Treatment Protocols"
    Breslau, Poland | 19.11.2016
  • 15. Kongress für Zahnmedizin
    Workshop on "Immediate Loading" by Konstantinovic V, Lazarov A, Ihde S
    Belgrad, Serbia | 17.11.2016
  • 1st Latin-American Congress for Immediate Loading
    Day 1: Opening Speech: "Introduction into the work with Strategic Implant®"
    Day 2: "Bone physiology and bone function"
    Bogotá, Columbia | 26./27.08.2016
  • International Week of Implantology 2016
    1. "The Future of Implantology"
    2. "Comparison of BCS and KOS (Vortrag i.V. für Dr. Mander)"
    Minsk, Belarus | 17./19.08.2016
  • 2. Intl. Stomatologisches Forum
    Hauptvortrag: "Grundsätze der basalen/strategischen Implantologie"
    Kirov, Russia | 16.04.2016
  • 7th Scientific-practical conference for reconstruction in maxilla-facial surgery
    "Современные концепции кортикальной остеофиксации зубов" (20 mins)
    Krasnogorsk, Russia | 12.02.2016
  • Saransk Implant Symposium
    Lecture 2 hr.
    Saransk, Russia | 30.01.2016
  • Scientific Congress on Innovative Methods and Prospects of Implantation Development
    "New Techniques in basal Implantology" (90 mins)
    Sochi, Russia | 21.10.2015
  • Regionale Fortbildung für Implantologen
    Lecture 120 min
    Grodno, Belarus | 12.06.2015
  • "Predictable Dental Implantology Using Basal Implants"
    Sofia, Bulgaria | 22.05.2015
  • UA Implantologie Kongress
    Lecture 50 mins
    Lviv, Ukraine | 24.04.2015
  • ICOI South East Asia Congress
    "Predictable Dental Implantology Using Basal Implants"
    Kochi, India | 03.08.2013
  • 13. Congress Bulgarian dental assoc.
    "Predictable Dental Implantology Using Basal Implants"
    Burgas, Bulgaria |
  • 19th National Conference of the Indian Society Of Oral Implantologists (I.S.O.I.)
    "Use of Corticals vs. Corticalization of Spongious Bone: Two Ways to Safe Immediate Loading"
  • 1st East Europen Congress of cortical Osseointegration
    "Use of Corticals vs. Corticalization of Spongious Bone: Two Ways to Safe Immediate Loading"
    Kiev, Ukraine | 16./17.12.2011
  • 18th National Conference of the Indian Society of Oral Implantologists (I.S.O.I.)
    "Use of Corticals vs. Corticalization of Spongious Bone: Two Ways to Safe Immediate Loading"
    Hyderabad, India. | 21.10.2011
  • IX. Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Chirurgica Bucal
    "No Mas Elevaciones de Seno"
    Zaragoza, Spain | 29.09.2011
  • Alwefeq Dental Congress
    "Implants for Everybody"
    Bethlehem, Palestine | 12.05.2011
  • "Implants for Everybody"
    Kiev, Ukraine | 16.04.2011
  • Maxilecture at Birzeit University
    "Bone and Implants"
    Ramallah, Palestine | 29.3.2011
  • Inauguration meeting of the ADS
    "Immediate Loading in the Atrophied Jaw Bones"
    Kochi, India | 09.01.2011
  • Meeting of the Jordanian Dental Society
    I"Immediate Loading in the Atrophied Jaw Bones"
    Amman, Jordan | 22.12.2010
  • 25th Congress of the International College for Maxillo-Facial-Surgery
    "Implants for Everybody"
    Belgrade, Serbia | 28.10.2010
  • DM Days
    "Dental Implants: Categories and Modus of Insertion, Loading and Application"
    Belgrade, Serbia | 08.10.2010
  • 1. International Congress for Implantology
    "Dental Implants: Categories and Application, Immediate Loading"
    Luxembourg | 24.03.2010
  • SZAZ Appenzell
    "Grundlagen der Knochenintegration von Implantaten"
    Buehler, Switzerland | 30.03.2010
  • 3-day introductory course in dental implantalogy, basal Implantology and immediate loading
    Pune, India | 13.-15.03.2010
  • National Implant Congress
    "No More Sinuslifts" (incl. life operation)
    Belgrade, Serbia | 31.10.2009
  • 25th Anniversary School of Dentistry of Lebanese University (XIth internat. Meeting)
    "No More Sinuslift" (invited lecture)
    Beirut, Lebanon | 21.06.2009
  • Lecture Day on Invitation at AAOA
    "Dental Implants: Categories and Modus of Insertion, Loading and Application"
    Alexandria, Egypt | 06.05.2009
  • Lecture on Invitation at Beirut Arab University
    "Dental Implants: Categories and Modus of Insertion, Loading and Application"
    Beirut, Lebanon | 02.05.2009
  • Lecture on Invitation at Szeged University
    "Dental Implants: Categories and Modus of Insertion, Loading and Application"
    Szeged, Hungary | 20.03.2009
  • 2nd Scientific Conference of the Syrian Society of Dental Implantology
    "Bone and Dental Implants"
    Damascus, Syria | 13.11.2008
  • 2nd Scientific Conference of the Syrian Society of Dental Implantology
    Keynote lecture "Realizing Immediate Loading in the Atrophied Maxilla"
    Damascus, Syria | 12.11.2008
  • XII. congress of Maxillofacial Surgeons of Serbia
    Keynote lecture "Realizing Immediate Loading in the Atrophied Maxilla"
    Belgrade, Serbia | 23.10.2008
  • "Realizing Immediate Loading in the Atrophied Maxilla"
    Genova, Italy | 16.10.2008
  • Mediterranean Dental Implant Congress
    Keynote lecture "Realizing Immediate Loading in the Atrophied Maxilla"
    Crete, Greece | 27.06.2008
  • ICKR Congress
    "Realizing Immediate Load Safely"
    near Brno, Czech Republic | 14.06.2008
  • DGZI Congress
    "Realizing Immediate Load Safely" (private lecture)
    Dubai | December 2007
  • Dental Days
    "Sofortbelastung dentaler Implantate"
    Florence, Italy | 20.10.2007
  • 37. Internationaler Jahreskongress der DGZI
    "Die festsitzende Versorgung des atrophieren zahnlosen Unterkiefers mit sofrotbelasteten basalen Implantaten. Ergebnisse einer 10-jährigen retrospektiven Untersuchung"
    Düsseldorf, Germany | 05./06.10.2007
  • ICKR-Kongress
    "Orthopaedic Principles in Dental Implantology: Realizing Immediate Load Safely"
    Brno, Czech Republic | 16.06.2007
  • Practical course in basal and crestal Implantology
    Sofia, Bulgaria | 28.02.-07.03.2007
  • Sofia Implantological Days
    "Treatment of the Atrophied Mandible with Basal Implants"
    Sofia, Bulgaria | 04.02.2007
  • Brno Implant Days
    "Introduction into Basal Implantology"
    Brno, Czech Republic | 24.11.2006
  • Mediterranean Dental Implant Congress
    "Bony Physiology and Implant Integration: Examples from BOI Implantology"
    Crete, Greece | 21.06.2006
  • "Bone and Immediate Load - Proceedings of Dental Care"
    Pune, India | 14.12.2005
    Delhi, India | 12.12.2005
  • Charles-University Prague, Dept. of Biomechanics, Mechanics, Mechatronics
    "Bone Symposium" (1 day lecture & seminar)
    Prague, Czech Republic | 18.06.2005
  • SALK Salzburg
    "Grundlagen in der Implantologie"
    Salzburg, Austria | 17.06.2005
  • Stomatologie 2004
    "Possibilties of Treatment with Dental Implants and the Choice Implants and of Prosthetical Constructions with Respect to Clinical and Economical Effectiveness"
    Moscow, Russia | 14.12.2004
  • "Aspekte der Biokompatibilität zahnärztlicher Implantate unter Berücksichtigung von Design des Implantats, der enossalen Oberflächen und dem Zeitpunkt der Lasteinleitung"
    Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany | 17.09.2004
  • Mediterranean Dental Implant Congress
    "Principles of BOI"
    Crete, Greece |  24.06.2004
  • Journees Dentaires de Nice
    "Immediate Loading of Basal and Crestal Implants: Histological Findings and Clinical Considerations"
    Nice, France | 16.05.2003
  • FH Osnabrück
    "Aspekte der Biokompatibilität dentaler Werkstoffe in der Implantologie unter Berücksichtigung der anatomischen Besonderheiten im Kiefer-, Mund-, Gesichtsbereich"
    Osnabrück, Germany | 08.05.2003
  • ICKR-Kongress
    "Basalosseointegration – ein biomechanisch fundiertes Konzept"
    Campo Tures, Italy | 12.04.2003
  • ZBV München; AK Alten- und Behindertenbehandlung
    "Retention von Zahnersatz beim älteren Patienten"
    Munich, Germany | 10.02.2003
  • Generalversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orale Implantologie (ASIO)
    Kommentierung des EVG-Urteils vom 9.12.2003
    Zurich, Switzerland | 30.01.2003
  • Societas Implantologica Bohemica
    "Grundlagen der Basalosseointegration"
  • Wintersymposium
    "Grundlagen der Basalosseointegration"
    Sölden, Austria | 06.04.2001